IR information

Message from Founder&CEO, President

Under the vision of turning “WHAT YOU WANT TO DO” into “WHAT YOU CAN DO”, I will take the digitalization of the society into my own growth and practice further value creation.

Founder & CEO, President Kunihiro Tanaka
Kunihiro Tanaka

IR news

IR library

Stocks basic information

Stock exchange listing

Prime Market, Tokyo Stock Exchange

Securities code


Unit of stock trading


Administrator of shareholder registry

Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.

Fiscal year

From April 1 to March 31 next year

Annual shareholders meeting

Every June

Date of record

Voting right: Every March 31
Year-end dividend: Every March 31
Interim dividend: Every September 30 (Upon interim dividend execution)

Dividend information

By sustainable growth and the realization of the stable profit structure, we aim to balance continuation of the stable dividend with the improvement of the stock price. The surplus could perform as an interim dividend as written in the article of association, and as a basic principle of two times yearly of the interim dividend and the year-end dividend. Under this principle, the year-end dividend of this term is going to be 3.5 yen per share.

Business result highlights

Profit and loss transition(Consolidated)

Profit and loss transition(Consolidated)